Singing Guide: Michael Gungor

Singing Guide: Michael Gungor

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Are you looking for a way to learn singing like Michael Gungor? The lead singer of the band Gungor, Michael's voice is known for its distinct rich quality and vulnerability. In this article, we will explore some of the unique characteristics of Michael's voice, techniques to cultivate these attributes, and some resources from Singing Carrots to help you develop your singing.

One distinctive feature of Michael's voice is his versatility. He is known for having a wide range and being comfortable singing in multiple styles, from folk to rock to gospel. To cultivate this versatility, it is essential to know your voice type and how to expand your vocal range. At Singing Carrots, you can use our vocal range test and explore resources like our article on Voice Types to gain the necessary understanding of further improving your vocal range to advance versatility.

Another unique aspect of Michael's voice is his use of vibrato, the slight oscillating pitch change that gives a sound character. Michael's vibrato technique is noticeable in his song The Earth Is Yours. To develop vibrato, we recommend exploring our "Singing with Vibrato" article and the "Diaphragm Bounce" exercise.

Michael also has a great mix of chest voice and head voice, which allows a singer to blend these two types of voice, resulting in powerful vocals. Our article on "Chest Voice vs Head Voice" explains this concept well, and the “Singing Comfort Zone” exercise can provide practical guidance and assistance with voice register practice.

Michael's vocals often incorporate falsetto technique, which is a term that describes a very high pitch that starts at the uppermost register and shows up by flipping into a disconnected, breathy sound. The Gungor song "Beautiful Things" demonstrates the use of this technique effectively. If you want to learn falsetto, we recommend exploring our "Voice Registers & Vocal Break" article and "Mixed Voice" exercise videos.

To learn how to perform with feeling while singing like Michael Gungor, it is crucial to connect with the emotions of the lyrics, particularly when it's a personal song. As Gungor says, "If you're not connecting with your heart and with art, then there's really no point in doing this. You're missing the point." Our Singing Carrots singing course offers lessons on connecting emotionally to a song, along with many other techniques of singing.

Besides, below are some practical tips that can help you learn to sing like Michael Gungor:

  • Work on your breathing techniques
  • Explore the use of a full voice while singing
  • Practice proper posture and do exercises to promote the correct posture
  • Practice these techniques consistently, giving space for your voice to develop over time.

In conclusion, with consistent practice and use of the resources on Singing Carrots, you can learn how to sing like Michael Gungor. Remember, all of the resources and materials mentioned in this article work in combination, and it requires dedication and patience to achieve your desired goals in singing.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.